Nicole Burnham
Nicole Burnham


Questions about the Royal Scandals Series:

What is the order of the Royal Scandals books?

There are currently six full length novels and three holiday novellas in the series:

The three Christmas novellas are available individually as ebooks, or in ebook, print, and audio as a single collection titled A Royal Scandals Christmas.

A Royal Scandals Wedding, a short story exclusively for newsletter subscribers, is set at the wedding of Prince Stefano and Megan Hallberg, who appeared in Scandal With a Prince. More Royal Scandals projects are in the works. Expect to see stories for all of the Barrali and Cornaro siblings.

What is the order of the Royal Scandals: San Rimini books?

There are six titles in the series. In order, they are:

A short story called The Hire is also available to newsletter subscribers. It features Daniela D’Ambrosio, the main character of Fit for a Queen.

Which series should I read first, Royal Scandals or Royal Scandals: San Rimini? Does it matter?

The two series take place at the same time, and the overlap is minimal. The stories were planned so that a reader can pick up either series without having the other spoiled. So, in answer to your question, it doesn’t matter. Read what catches your interest (always a good rule of thumb.)

Were some of the Royal Scandals: San Rimini books published previously?
The first and last books in the series, Fit for a Queen and To Kiss a King are brand new and have never been published. Going to the Castle, The Prince’s Tutor, The Knight’s Kiss, and Falling for Prince Federico were previously published in a shorter format by Harlequin. However, these editions are expanded and updated, bringing them into the Royal Scandals world.

The audio for all six books is new.

For the story of how the Royal Scandals and Royal Scandals: San Rimini stories came to be, read my blog on Once Upon a Time in San Rimini.

Questions about other books:

Where can I buy your audiobooks? How are they priced compared to paperbacks and ebooks? Do I need a subscription somewhere to get them?
My audiobooks are available from Apple Books, Google Play, Kobo Books, Chirp Books, Barnes & Noble Audio, Audible, and a growing number of other retailers worldwide. Audiobooks are generally more expensive than print or ebook editions because audio costs significantly more to produce. At some retailers I have control over the pricing but at others—such as Audible—I do not.

Some audiobook retailers have subscription models based on credits while others give members a certain number of audiobooks per month. However, most will allow you to purchase without a membership, so you can get an audiobook from whichever retailer makes the most sense for you for that particular title.

Whenever I hear about a sale, I share it with my newsletter list. I am also working on giving readers the ability to buy audiobooks direct. Once that’s in place I’ll make an announcement.

Another great option: all of my audiobooks are available at libraries worldwide. If your local branch doesn’t already have the title you want, ask for it! They can obtain copies instantly through the distributor of their choice.

Do you have any plans to put your books in Kindle Unlimited?

No. While Kindle Unlimited allows subscribers to read as many books as they choose from the Kindle Unlimited selection, any books that are part of the program cannot be sold at any retailers outside of Amazon. That would mean withdrawing my books from Apple, Google Play, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Tolino, FNAC, Gandhi Mexico, and many other shops where readers find their books. It would also mean removing my books from libraries, where they are available free to patrons at branches worldwide.

If your book budget is tight, please consider requesting my books at your local library. Libraries have easy access to all of my titles in print, ebook, and audiobook formats.

Will there be more books in the Bowen, Nebraska series?

Yes. No official release dates yet, so stay tuned.

Do you plan to write more young adult books? My daughter loves the Niki Burnham books but I’m having trouble finding them.
At the moment, I’m not writing any new Niki Burnham books. However, there are plans to rerelease some of the hard-to-find backlist titles, such as the Royally Jacked series. When that happens, I’ll announce it in my newsletter.

In the meantime, the young adult romantic comedy Shot Through The Heart is now available in both print and ebook.

Questions about writing:

Do you base your stories on your real life? If not, where do you get your ideas?

The stories I write are fiction. However, I pick up ideas from everyday life—a newspaper article, something I see on the news, or just overhearing conversations—and then asking myself, “What if…?” and letting my imagination wander. I also get ideas from out of the blue (in other words, I daydream a lot.) For me, the easy part of writing books is coming up with ideas. They’re everywhere.

I want to write books someday. What advice do you have?

First and foremost, read everything you can get your hands on. I learned the most about writing simply by reading broadly, and by figuring out what I like and don’t like. It’s important to pay attention to why a book does or doesn’t work for you. Something else to do: write a little every day. It gets you in the habit. You don’t have to show it to anyone, but the more you write, the more you’ll improve. Finally, don’t be afraid to take a heavier class load in English and Literature classes. Literature because it gives you the chance to read and discuss great books, and English because it’s important to know the basics of language and proper usage. Then you need to sit down and actually WRITE. Don’t talk about writing or make grand plans to write. Just write.

How do you get inspired to write?

For me, writing is a career. There are days I don’t feel like writing, but I show up at my keyboard and do the work just as anyone would in any other career. (Could you imagine if your local police decided they weren’t inspired to fight crime?) If writers waited to be inspired to write, I doubt many books would get finished! That being said, I enjoy my job immensely so I’m quite happy to show up and work.

I did what you said and wrote a story. Could you read it and let me know what you think? What about just a few general comments? If you like it, could you show it to your editor and/or agent?

That’s fantastic! So many people say they want to write, but they never get around to doing it. That alone puts you one giant step ahead of the game. Unfortunately, I get a ton of requests to read unpublished work, and if I did it for some people I’d feel obligated to do it for everyone. That means I wouldn’t have time to write, to eat, to sleep…well, you get the idea. So, no, I’m sorry to say that I can’t read your work, give you comments, or show it to my editor or agent.

There are also a lot of legal reasons why I can’t read unpublished works by other writers. What if you write about a character named Jane and I read it, then I have a book with a character named Jane, so you decide that I must’ve stolen your stuff, because there’s no way I would have come up with a character named Jane on my own? Not that you’d ever do that, but others might. You see how this can get me into major trouble.

Questions about everything else:

How can I get a list of all your books?

Download my current booklist as a PDF. It’s formatted to be easy to take along with you to a bookstore or library.

Are you on any social media?
I’m most active on Instagram and post there regularly.

I also post regularly to my Blog. You can subscribe to it here and it will appear in your inbox.

I have a page on Facebook I post to about once a week, though if you follow me there, be aware that Facebook doesn’t always show posts to my followers. A few times a month, I share book recommendations on BookBub and Goodreads. I’m on Twitter, but don’t tweet regularly.

Do you do book signings or visit libraries/book clubs?
I do. The easiest way to learn about upcoming plans is via my newsletter.

If you’re interested in having me visit with your book club, send a request via my Contact page. I’m happy to visit in person or do call-ins/video chats with clubs, depending on the location.

Is there a way to read copies of your ebooks without a Kindle or other ebook reader?

Ebooks can be read on nearly any tablet, computer, or smartphone. All you need is the appropriate app for the device. For books purchased on Amazon, you can learn about their Free Kindle app here. For Nook, go here, and for Kobo, visit this page. Other retailers will have similar apps. When you’re on their site, search for “reading app” and you should find it. If you are on an iPhone or iPad, the Books app will be preinstalled. Most Android devices have Google Play preinstalled.

Do you design your own book covers?

I can barely design a stick figure. I leave book covers to the professionals, though I do consult with them.

Do you design your own website? If not, who designed it?

As with book covers, some things are better left to professionals. My site is designed by the fabulous folks at However, the photographs you see at the top of each page are my own, taken while on research trips.

Have a question that’s not answered here?

Visit the contact page and send an email. Reader email is always appreciated.

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All subscribers to Nic’s News receive a free copy of A Royal Scandals Wedding, a novella that goes behind the scenes of Sarcaccia’s first royal wedding in a generation. This novella is a newsletter exclusive. You won’t find it for sale in any store.

Once you confirm your email address, you’ll receive an email with the link to download your free novella. More giveaways and special opportunities will be available in the future, so stay tuned.

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