Of all my books, perhaps the one that generates the most questions is Slow Tango With a Prince. Readers want to know how I researched Buenos Aires and its neighborhoods, whether I took tango lessons, and about the behind-the-scenes of a television show. I’ve even received questions about the Manhattan hotel where Prince Vittorio and Emily meet after a particular episode of her show airs.
I answered many of the Buenos Aires and tango research questions in an earlier post: Blog Classics: Learning to Tango
I had the opportunity to visit New York last weekend. Since I love to run, I always make time to run along the west side of Manhattan through Riverside Park and to explore new routes through Central Park. Lo and behold, I was greeted with this view as I finished my Central Park run:
Look at the center of the building and allow your eyes to travel to the top, where there is an inset area. That balcony, which overlooks Central Park, is the one featured in the scene between Vittorio and Emily. Though I did a lot of research online and talked to hotel staff to get the description of the suite correct, this was the first time looked up to see that balcony in person.
Needless to say, it isn’t a room I’ve had the pleasure of staying in. At last check, it goes for nearly $50,000 a night. If you’re so inclined, you can view the suites here.